Mariam Ugrekhelidze`s chamber Ballet will present Ballet “Beauty and The Beast“, at the Griboedov Theatre, on February 20,21 at 7 pm.
Choreography by Artistic Director Mariam Ugrekhelidze. The organizer of the evening and costume designer Madonna Nioradze.
An unforgettable evening awaits you !
The Prince / The Beast - Giorgi Sanikidze
Belle - Mariam Gogodze
Maurice ( Belle's father ) - Nikoloz Gumberidze
Gaston - Gaga Bokhua
Lumiére - Mariam Ugrekhelidze
Cogsworth - Akaki Sirbiladze
Mrs. Potts - Mariam Putkaradze
Featherduster - Elene Tsiklauri
Chamber ballet artists
The ballroom Dancing Academy «Tela» dancers.
Georgian State Academic ensemble ,,Rustavi''
M.Ugrekhelidze Ballet school pupils.
The tickets for the mentioned event are non-refundable