Genre: Anti-utopia in 2 acts
Language: Georgian
Duration: 100
Premiere: 19-09-2019
Director: Avto Varsimashvili
Author: Avto Varsimashvili
Artist: Mirian Shvelidze
Assistant director: Rusudan Shoshitashvili
Actors: Mamuka Mumladze, Ani Aladashvili, Shako Mirianashvili, Lasha Gurgenidze, Elizbar Zviadadze
Dear friends, when buying tickets, pay attention to the age limit! Late viewers will not be admitted to the parterre 🎭 Avto Varsimashvili's comedy dystopia in 2 acts. 🇪🇺 2030: A national liberation movement begins in the country with the demand to leave the European Union. The movement is headed by the country's president.